I Wonder

I will never forget the day I heard this song for the first time.

Nineteen-years-old, cruising home from work in my silver Grand Am, this song stopped me dead in my tracks and I had to pull over, because it made me cry so hard.

I remember the flood of emotions like it was yesterday. It was the first time I had ever heard a song about a mother leaving her daughter from the daughter’s perspective.

I remember thinking about my poor little sister who got the shortest end of the stick between the two of us, because she never knew our mom at all; She was only two when my mom left. I thought about all the times she had to endure my makeshift braids, because I was still only doing my best as an 8, 9, 10-year-old girl myself.

I remember sitting there thinking about how hard it was to go shopping for a graduation dress the previous year. Kindly, my best friend in high school, Lindsey Donnelly (Stauth), shared her beautiful mama, Margaret Stauth, with me and made it as much about me and my dress that day, as it was about hers! And I am forever grateful for that time we spent together – Thank you Lindsey and Mrs. Stauth!

The amount of times over the years that I have done a double take in the mirror, because I swear I had just seen my mother staring back at me, would chill me to the bone every time it happened. It blows my mind to think that if my mother passed me on the street she wouldn’t recognize me.

I think in that moment the biggest shock for me was that there was even still a chord to strike within me – at that point she had been gone from my life for almost 10 years!

——– I also think this is the reason I feel so strongly about people deserving and earning the right to be a part of your life. In my world, it is NOT a given to be a friend or a family member. In my opinion, being a parent or a friend should not be a right, it is a privilege and should be treated as such. With love, kindness, understanding, and mutual respect.

Fact: This song was actually co- written with Kellie about her life. I have attached the music video as well as the song lyrics.

 "I Wonder"

Sometimes I think about you
Wonder if you're out there somewhere thinking bout me
And would you even recognize
The woman that your little girl has grown up to be
Cause I look in the mirror and all I see
Are your brown eyes looking back at me
They're the only thing you ever gave to me at all

Oh, I hear the weather's nice in California
There's sunny skies as far I can see
If you ever come back home to Carolina
I wonder what you'd say to me

I think about how it ain't fair
That you weren't there to braid my hair
Like mothers do
You weren't around to cheer me on
Help me dress for my high school prom
Like mothers do

Did you think I didn't need you here
To hold my hand
To dry my tears
Did you even miss me through the years at all

Oh, I hear the weather's nice in California
There's sunny skies as far I can see
If you ever come back home to Carolina
I wonder what you'd say to me

Forgiveness is such a simple word
But it's so hard to do when you've been hurt

Oh, I hear the weather's nice in California
And just in case you're wondering about me
From now on I won't be in Carolina

Your little girl is off
Your little girl is off
Your little girl is off to Tennessee

The thought of ever considering to leave my babies brings me to my knees in both tears and sheer agony. I could never leave these pure, sweet, angel babies! You would have to kill me first, and even then I would put up one HELL of a fight!

To anyone in high school graduating and picking out your graduation dress or suit, to anyone getting married and picking out your wedding dress, to anyone having your first child, and every child after that, if you ever feel alone, I am sorry… I am sorry that you were abandoned or had someone special to you pass away, I am truly sorry for your loss. You are not alone and it does get better. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but someday it won’t feel so painful. Little by little, day by day. Do your best to surround yourself with goodness and good people. Surround yourself with as much light as you can. Find people who shine just as bright as you do!

Side Note : To this day I still don’t have a CLUE what to say to people when they say things like, “Your parents must be so proud!” or “How hard is it on your parents to be away from your kids?” Do I say, “Well not to get all heavy and dark, but”… OR do I say a simple white lie and just nod and agree?… because these people are usually not the type to need to know my life story, I usually smile and nod in silence and quickly change the subject. 

I usually just change the subject because  I think people would be more surprised to hear that it doesn’t hurt me and I have completely moved on. OR if I ever do share, people get very uncomfortable and instantly look at me differently with a, “You poor thing” gaze or even verbalize that sometimes. I am genuinely not looking for pity. These are just my circumstances and it really is just such a long story.

What happened to me is not who I am. This is something that happened to me and my family, the true power comes from what you choose to do with it. I can however fully understand how difficult it is for people to process. It took me many years myself! 

But let me assure you, I have processed, I have come to terms, and I have accepted that my past circumstances are NOT my present life. And although moving on when I was younger wasn’t always easy, I can honestly say that after having Mila, Aria and Leo, I don’t foresee any other scenario that I would wonder if she ever thinks about me. Lord knows that on the VERY rare occasion that I do think of her, it is not with longing or pain, it is with hope… Hope that she finally has the life she wanted full of joy and peace.

Thank you again for reading my heart on the screen.

Cecilia Kissel Signature

Side Note *** The ONLY one thing I wish I could ask my parents is what myself and my siblings were like as babies and young children, weight, length, personality quirks, those kinds of things…I would love to know if our children are more like me or like Brett as infants and toddlers!

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4 years ago

It’s so hard to forgive family after years and years of hurt and pain but it is possible. Thank you for sharing your story!

4 years ago

Thank you for opening up and sharing some of your personal life. Everyone has a story and I applaud you for having the courage to share! ❤️

Julie Shaftoe-Wilson
Julie Shaftoe-Wilson
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your early days. You were definitely lucky to have a good friends mother to help you out. You have made your life on the virtues that you have self taught. If someone asks about your mum, just say she is no longer with you. If they say I’m sorry say dont be, I’m okay! We all choose our own paths, we can hang on to past and use it as a crutch for our reasons of dispare or raise ourselves up to be a good person who learned from our past and made a new future.… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your life with us. You are a remarkably strong and courageous woman. May God bless you and Brett, and your three sweet babies. 💜💜💜

4 years ago

Even individuals with idyllic childhoods don’t become as deep and soulful as you. The cracks are what makes us beautiful and stronger as you definitely are. Coming from a traumatic childhood myself and proud to be where I am at🌸💕

Nicole Konkin
Nicole Konkin
4 years ago

Wow!! Within one well written, mindful post, you just removed so many barriers for honest conversation and connection for others. What a shift you’ve created in the universe today ♡

4 years ago

Your story hits so close to home. I don’t know much about my parents either. All I was told was, I was left on a doorstep as a baby. I always wondered what they were like. I also had so many questions why they did what they did. I have so much hate ( I know hate is a strong word), but this is how I feel. I grew up in many many foster homes throughout my life. I had one set of foster parents that I eventually stayed with for many years ( age 11 till I was 18).… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing! You are truly an inspiration. Forgiveness is so hard but I have learned in order to move on with your life you have to. ❤️❤️

Trish Riddle
Trish Riddle
4 years ago

I am one of the lucky ones. My mom was like you. I gave birth to 2 beautiful wonderful girls, who I have loved and been blessed to be part of their lives, grown into bright strong women. I have stepped up to the plate for others not so lucky and helped them through tough times. I have probably 2 dozen kids who now call me Mom and countless grandchildren that i stand up for. I am proud of each of them.

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing. It speaks volumes that you are such a great mother not because of the example set for you but in spite of it. xo

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing such a personal and vulnerable story. 💕

Pat Murdoch
Pat Murdoch
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your heart with us, when my son was little I read an article about a single father rushing out the door as he had to fly somewhere for business. He was yelling at his kids to hurry up and get going as he was going to be late. While flying home that day the plane was hijacked and he thought about the fact he never told his kids that he loved them and their last memory of him would be of him yelling at them. As a single parent I wanted my son to always feel… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing! You are such a beautiful and kind soul. Having been through something traumatic in my childhood, that I continue to deal with and work through, a lot of this spoke to me in different ways. Especially where you say, “What happened to me is not who I am.” I love that and completely feel that! I am 18 now and it has been 5-6 years since everything was happening and I am really starting to process things like that now. It also can be hard when people bring up things related to it and I don’t… Read more »

4 years ago

Cece this is wonderful, I can only imagine how hard it can be sometimes. Thank you for sharing with me.

Sandi Ollenberger
Sandi Ollenberger
4 years ago

That brought me to tears Cecilia. You are a beautiful person in-spite of your childhood. I’m truly sorry for what you had to go through but I’m amazed at how strong a woman you have become. You are an inspiration to many people out there that are struggling with the same problems. You have a beautiful, gorgeous family with an adoring husband. I met Brett many years ago as a 10 or 11 year old I think at the Northlands Talent Explosion where I was judging. I could tell right off the bat that he was going to be a… Read more »

4 years ago

You are such a strong empowering woman, thank you for sharing 💜

4 years ago

Just beautiful Cecilia ♥️

Celia Sadlou
Celia Sadlou
4 years ago

Standing with you in your strength and loving kindness!
Your sharing is a gift for us. Thank you , dear one!

4 years ago

I absolutely love this message and how you have shared your story that shows the true choice of strength and hope and light. You are powerful and loving in so many ways!! I’m so grateful for this read!! Thankyou, In light & love ~Shereen

4 years ago

I so agree with you… Your past shapes who you are and hopefully does not define you. The power of positive thoughts and finding the positive things around you. You and Brett have a beautiful family and such strong down to earth core values. Glad to see good things happen to good people!! ❤️

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