Our mission statement is simple. @KeepingitKissel is a lifestyle brand focusing on supporting and celebrating family, equality, and unity.
What does this mean? Well, from our family to yours we want to support you. Offer encouragement. Advice. Help. However we can. In the spirit of celebration, we also hope to cheer you on in your biggest moments, while celebrating the special moments we enjoy as a family. These celebratory moments are often the small things. The little things. The overlooked things. We believe in families. Whatever that means to you, we will never judge, because family is what you make it.
Equality is a word we will always support and recognize. As we do our best raising our children to be “good humans”, equality is one of the biggest mandates for not only our brand but our lives.
And last, but most importantly, UNITY is the biggest thing we will always advocate for. In a world full of judgements, opinions, and expectations, we want to create unity, and avoid separation. Now you know!
Welcome to Keeping It Kissel!
With Love,